Help for TDCApply

Those used to the old application system, will find TDCApply very similar with one important exception: you have to submit your proposals now, otherwise they will not be taken into account. This will allow you to

Your account from the old system has been transferred to TDCApply, so your login is the same. However once you are logged in, please check your email, first and last name on the "My Account" page available from the dropdown at the top right.

After logging in you will see a list of all your proposals, newest first. Initially this list will be empty. The suggested workflow for all users is:

  1. If not done already: check your name and email in your "My account" page
  2. Create and save a new proposal with only the required information given as soon as possible. You can change the information and add details any time until you submit.
  3. Read the Proposal help page
  4. Except for the scientific justification complete the information on the Proposal Update Page (click on the proposal you want to change after you logged in), abstract included. Create and view the Cover Page. Everything must fit on 1 page.
  5. After you created a pdf for your scientific justification, upload the pdf, create and check the TAC pdf. This is exactly what the TAC (Time Allocation Committee) will see. Adjust to your liking.
  6. Last, not least: do not forget to submit.
  7. If you forgot something important, you have to recall your proposal, update and submit it again.
TDCApply is state driven, at all times you can see which state your proposals are in on your Proposals page. Allocated proposals are shown with the number of allocated nights (dark, gray and bright). The diagram shows the different states and flow through the system. Please note that as proposer you only deal with the green box and arrows. In other words: you create, edit, submit recall or delete a proposal.

Image of proposal status with user actions to submit or recall a proposal. Submitted proposals will be scored, reviewed and then allocated or not allocated. Only allocated proposals will be scheduled for observation.