Observing Proposals for MMT, Magellan and FLWO telescopes

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Create and manage Observing Proposals for

To apply for CfA time on these telescopes, the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithonian must be your primary affiliation and you must be resident at a CfA facility. CfA staff on leave or sabbatical may also apply for time. Please


09/23/2021: Institutions buying observing nights can now register and add their proposals.
05/05/2021: Automatic emails are sent to proposers when their proposals have been accepted for scoring. FAQ added to Help
09/03/2021: Submit and clone link added to "Your proposals". Free text "Instrument config." replaces instrument mode, grid, central wavelength and slitwith. Abstract and Instrument config have a word counter at the lower right.
02/09/2021: submit reminder added to "Your proposals" and proposal update page
02/08/2021: added telescope and instrument to "Your proposals", instrument mode is no longer enforced